IGNOU MCOM(New) Syllabus / Course 2025

Ignou MCOM(New) Syllabus 2025

The students who enroll in the M.Com (Revised) degree at this institute must achieve some credits every semester to earn a degree and get the certification. This two-year Master of Commerce (M.Com) program is divided into four semesters, totaling 80 credits. The distance university provides M.Com Online Admission twice in a year i.e in the month of January and July for the respective year.

The students has to complete 8 courses in first year and 7 courses in second year respectively.  After completing admission process, the university sends Ignou M.Com(Revised) First and Second Year Syllabus to their registered address which is filled at the time of filling admission form. These M.Com (Revised) books will help students to prepare for their upcoming term end examination.

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We have mentioned below,the list of 1st and 2nd Year courses included by IGNOU M.Com (Revised) Programme :

IGNOU M.Com First Year Course / Syllabus
First Semester
Course CodeCourse NameCredits
 MCO-1 Organization Theory and Behavior 6
 MCO-4Business Environment 6
 MCO-5 Accounting for Managerial Decisions 6
 MCO-21 Managerial Economics 4
Second Semester
 MCO-6 Marketing Management 6
 MCO-22 Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications 4
 MCO-23 Strategic Management 4
 MCO-24 Business Ethics and CSR 4

IGNOU M.Com Second Year Course / Syllabus
Course CodeCourse NameCredits
Third Semester (Core /Specialization Course)
 MCO-03 Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis 6
 MCO-07 Financial Management 6
 IBO-2 International Marketing Management 6
 MCO-15India’s Foreign Trade and Investment 4
Fourth Semester (Core /Specialization Course)
 IBO-01 International Business Environment 6
 IBO-06 International Business Finance 6
 MCOP-001 Project 6
 Total Credits  80

Here, we have provided IGNOU MCOM First and second year syllabus in detail:

Topics Covered in M.Com Subjects
MCO-1: Organization Theory and BehaviourBlock-1 Organisation Theory
Block-2 Organisational Behaviour and Individual Perspective-I
Block-3 Organisational Behaviour and Individual Perspective-II
Block-4 Group Behaviour
Block-5 Organisational Culture and Development
MCO-4: Business EnvironmentBlock-1 Socio-Political Environment
Block-2 Legal Environment
Block-3 Regulations of Financial Markets
Block-4 Economic Environment
Block-5 International and Technological Environment
MCO-5: Accounting for Managerial DecisionsBlock-1 Fundamentals of Accounting
Block-2 Analysis of Financial Statements
Block-3 Budgeting and Budgetary Control
Block-4 Standard Costing
Block-5 Cost Volume Profit Analysis
MCO-21: Managerial EconomicsBlock-1 Introduction to Management Economics
Block-2 Demand and Revenue Analysis
Block-3 Production and Cost Analysis
Block-4 Pricing Decisions
MCO-6: Marketing ManagementBlock-1 Nature and Scope of Marketing
Block-2 Understanding Consumers and Selecting Target Markets
Block-3 Product Decisions
Block-4 Pricing Decisions
Block-5 Distribution Decisions
Block-6 Promotion Decisions and Emerging Issues
MCO-22: Quantitative Analysis for Managerial ApplicationsBlock-1 Data Collection and Analysis
Block-2 Probability and Probability Distributors
Block-3 Sampling and Sampling Distributions
Block-4 Forecasting Methods
MCO-3: Research Methodology and Statistical AnalysisBlock-1 Research and Data Collection
Block-2 Processing and Preservation of Data
Block-3 Relational and Trend Analysis
Block-4 Probability and Hypothesis Testing
Block-5 Interpretation and Reporting
MCO-7: Financial ManagementBlock-1 Foundations of Finance
Block-2 Investment Decisions
Block-3 Long Term Financing
Block-4 Financing and Dividend Decisions
Block-5 Management of Working Capital
IBO-2 International Marketing ManagementBlock-1 Introduction to International Marketing
Block-2 International Market Selection and Entry
Block-3 International Product and Pricing Decisions
Block-4 International Distribution and Promotion
Block-5 Managing International Marketing Operations
Block-6 International Marketing Research
IBO-1: International Business EnvironmentBlock-1 Concepts and Dimension
Block-2 Globalization: Process and Forces
Block-3 World Trading Systems and Institution
Block-4 Legal Environment
Block-5 Contemporary Developments and Issues
IBO-6: International Business FinanceBlock-1 International Financial System
Block-2 Foreign Exchange Risk Management
Block-3 Investing in Foreign Operations
Block-4 Financing International Operations

There are so many students who didn’t receive their mcom study material as a hard copy and started to get frustrated. No need to worry, they may visit their own study centre to get their study material.

*** IGNOU MCOP-001: Project : For IGNOU MCOP-1 Project, Contact me at 9953207989 (Whatsapp)

To start preparation for Ignou M.Com (Revised) term end examination which is conducted in June and December for the respective year, it’s better to have m.com reference books with their study material (provided by university). These are also known as Ignou M.Com Help Books (Paper Back).

The student who enrolls in this course should cover every subject and get benefits through M.Com at IGNOU placement record. 

Keep visiting our website for IGNOU M.Com (Revised) Syllabus / Course 2025 !!

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